sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2009


Last night we had our party :D It was awesome! and, we had games, food, and much much fun.
Today we are having another party! yay! But this time is gonna be glam!
We think is going to be great, i can smell food already (: I's raining out there.. OBVIOUSLY! I have to go and buy some stuff for me to look gorgeous tonight :D mhm.. I have to go. L8rz!

viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2009

I ain't dating :D

First off, whole name?
anali ortiz martinez

How many people have you kissed in the past 6 months?
lots of people. boys, one

Who is one person that could put a real smile on your face?
shawty <33

Are you in a relationship?
I have a husband.. lol

Would you like to visit england one day?

Have you ever experimented with drugs?
No thanks

Do you have a niece/nephew?
gorgeous ones

How well are you doing in school?

Do you get into a lot of arguements with your friends?

Is it ever too late to say you're sorry?
it depends

When is The last time you got yelled at by your parents?
long time ago

Are you capable of naming all the people you have kissed?
Yes... Is not like I have kissed all the boys in the planet. Only two

Have you ever been called a slut/​​whore/​​skank ect?
Lots of times.

Whens the last time you went to a party?
Imma have a party 2day @ home

Who is the first guy on your top friends on MySpace?

Have you ever told your friends "keep the peace" while they were fighting?
hahaha.. yes

If you have a truthbox, how many truths do you have in there?
don't have one.

Who do you text the most over all?
Alexha. David & Joseph

Whens the last time you felt weak?
Don't remember

Whos a girl you can count on 24/7?
Claudia Ortiz Martinez.. sister

Would you quit your bad habbits for someone you love?

How many girls have you kissed?
lots!! baahahaa

Do you have random people add you because of someone your dating?

Do you date people from your school or another school?
i ain't dating

Whos the last person that called you babe/baby?
my shawty <33

Do you have a twitter account?

Who is someone you used to hate but now you're good friends with?

Have you grown more mature after 8th grade year?
hahah yes

Are you irish or german in any way?
no.. Soy Mexicana

Whos the first person you ever let in your heart?
gosh Al...

Are you still with that person?
no.. we're friends

Are you friends with anyone that lives in a different state?

Do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow?
a beautiful dress

Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with a J?
not that I knw of

Do you find members of the opposite sex confusing?

Is there anybody you wish you could be with right now?
there's this someone♥ my shawty

When is the last time you saw number 4 on your top friends?
last month maybe?

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009


I know, every day is awesomely awesome, I seriously wanna tel you guys how much I love my life <33
Today I went shopping, I did not found what i was looking for but still I loved it :P
um.. Tomorrow weare going to have a party in our house.. and it's so gonna be a blast! and the next day too! double woot for 2 parties in a row!
Right now I am tired and very sad that.. I have only like, 5 days left to see my friends! I am going to miss them.
Well, i think I am leaving now. Leave me stuff..
love yall!

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009

This past days...

I haven't wrote anuthing because I had no internet because of the storm :/ It was strong but I LOVED IT tomorrow we are going to have some more rain :D double woot for that! So, On Monday like I said we had rain! Massive! I got all wet and I frozed but i was happy to jump in to the water with one of my best friends at school.
Today I went to Alexha's house to do homework, but we had a blast! ♥ I loved her family, besides while we were doing homework we were also watching HARRY POTTER, like how awesome is that??
Okay.. My contacts are going crazy now, I have to take them out now.. haha.. ouch!
I know I had more to say.. but I kinda forgot.
So I have people to spend Christmas night with. They are amazing people, I haven't really have contact with them for about a year.. I recieved a call from them Yesterday asking me if I wanted to spend Christmas night with them, and I was like ".. um.. sure !!" I was so excited! I think we are going to have a blast
C: right now I wanna go to sleep and dream about that special someone (:
I must leave now. Love Ya'll! 22 days till my B-day. woot!

domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2009


So, usually Sundays are very boring to me.. because is the 2nd day without my friends at school, and the last day too.. crazy huh? So, today I woke up at 8:04 am. and It was like way too late because church starts at 8:30 am.. so I ran downstairs and everybody was leaving, and I was like.. "umm.. I think Imma take a taxi" and I ran upstairs again, took a shower, but I also took my time doing my hair (even tough I always do it the same way) doing make up.. and all those girly stuff.
So, I took 2 taxis to church, I got there.. and then I realized it was freezing!! So I frozed. Fourtunally I had friends that were hugging me.., (I pretty much love hugs from friends). At the end my friends and I gathered to plan our party (christmas party) And I think it's gonna be a blast (:
I got home again. And started cleaning our computer rooms upstairs and downstairs, then my bedroom & bathroom. I am fast =]
Bex & I are plannig to go shopping later this afternoon. We are going to have a great time. After that I think Imma visit my dear sister :D
Then I have to get ready for school, like uniform and all those boring things called notebooks :/ .
Hope you pals are having a great day. Take care!